Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Being Flexible in Life

Were there times when you caught yourself being stubborn and unshakable, only to find out later that relationships have been strained and your reputation shattered? If you have a bad day today, it is a good thing. Perhaps you have now learnt a valuable lesson that relationships are very fragile. Sure you have your reasons, but the person who has wronged you has clearly shown you the path to Enlightenment. So instead of "putting up a stubborn fight", try to do the opposite be flexible and adaptable. You will soon mature into greatness.

The bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you refuse to take the turn - Anon

In fact, the hiccups that you face gives you new insights and ideas in life:

New ideas stir from every corner. They show up disguised innocently as interruptions, contradictions and embarrasing dilemmas. Beware of total strangers and friends alike who shower you with comfortable sameness, and remain open to those who make you uneasy, for they are the true messengers of the future. - Rob Lebow


At 12:01 am, Blogger feichai said...

Welcome to the world of weblogs, where everyone "tries" to be anonymous but non success at being anonymous! Hiya Daniel - welcome, welcome ;)


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