The Power of Thoughts and Words

Notice how you can never cook delicious food when you are ANGRY?
Or how angry words can hurt for an entire lifetime?
Between angry thoughts and hurtful speech, thoughts are said to carry less harm, but what is not spoken out still resounds in our own minds. What is spoken is released into the universe.
It is believed that the spoken word - be it sweet or foul – can never be retracted. Spoken words are sound waves, an energy form. Like all forms of energy, it can never be destroyed, only transformed into other forms. Do not take lightly the words that will come out of your mouth, the affects will linger in the universe forever.
If this is true, positive words result in positive energy waves, into positive thoughts and actions and so on. Like wise, negative words will result in negative waves, smashing itself into whatever lies in its path.
It is even believed that negative words once spoken will remain forever bouncing off walls and trees… resulting in random negative vibes that you receive now and again.
What this boils down to is:
1) Positive and encouraging thoughts can shape our realities.
2) Positive words to ourselves and others can heal and produce good results
3) Positive intentions without action can make a difference, let alone the positive action itself.
Words shaped and pressed by our lips have great impact on the world. Sharp wounding words shaped by hate are equal to any physical weapon. They injure the listener, perhaps for life. Each time the words are remembered, the wound gets deeper.
Healing emotional wounds requires forgiveness and lots of encouraging and positive words and thoughts.
So dear reader… start sending positive thoughts and saying words of encouragement.
A loving touch that starts from the heart can stop bleeding faster. Food cooked with love tastes better and is emotionally nutritious. Go ahead, heal the world with your thoughts and speech today.
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