What Will 2006 Bring For You?

A New Year has arrived and with it comes new vigor for new resolutions to be made and kept.
We are contantly presented with opportunities to become a better person.
So in setting resolutions why not look into these areas:
1) Set goals that will help you in your weaker areas not your strengths.
2) Set goals that are beneficial to yourself and to others. Goals that are harmless, but bring much profit and progress to everyone are best.
3) Set goals that will help you build foundational strengths. For instance, if you want to be more healthy and muscular, you might want to look into improving your stamina first before taking up weights. Building on your foundations will allow you to be able to "expand" on your long term goals later.
Knowing what you will get in the end will make it easier to decide what your goals are this year. So go ahead... Decide in advance what you want to give to yourself this year. Only then can you stop presenting unexpected surprises to yourself on a yearly basis.
Happy New Year 2006 !

...mine was no 28...and i got a little pig to hang in the car! DUH...
the gift in no. 69 was a white mug. Now at my wife's office.
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