Short-Cuts That Make You More Productive

- Talk / gossip less. Leave socializing for another time
- Check with your boss if you got your objectives right before starting
- If you are taking an hour to do what needs to be done only 15 minutes to do, rethink, replan or cut down on time wasters.
- Plan Plan Plan.
- Stop reading blogs (that complain and gossip). Instead read Blog@ zines that help motivate you to do better!
- Know when to rest. It is better to take more quality rests than to work so hard to fall sick later and waste more time.
- Stop procrastination by setting deadlines for yourself and giving them to your boss to monitor. Be mature and proactive with your tasks at hand.
Today is the day you can start being more organised. Never fear about how good you can be (that you can never back down later). Who cares what happens tomorrow? Just know that for today if you can finish your work you will be happy and less stressed. Laziness does not pay because of the stress and guilt that comes immediately. Good luck!
I think i should cut down on time wasters...i'm have so many of 'em.
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